The operator with the role of approver in the application and access to " Applications pending approval "


Pending requests will be shown below. To search for the request you want to process, you can search with the search box on the right or by expanding the requests displayed per page.


Select the request you want to check and click on it. The following screen shows the details of the request we have selected.


If the request data is incorrect, it must be denied. To do this, it is mandatory to add a comment in the "Comments" field so that the petitioner, to whom the request will be returned, can see what is wrong and correct it. To deny, click "Deny"


In doing so the application asks for the signature of the operator. Select the certificate and enter the PIN, and click OK.


The application then returns to the screen with the list of pending requests to be approved and the denied one goes to the petitioner in a "denied" state. Once the petitioner has corrected the petition, it will return to the pending state for approval so that the approver can review it again.